Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is Unbound Movement’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collected from you across our website, http:/, and other sites we own or operate. This page summarizes the privacy policy and practices regarding Unbound Movement’s website.

Unbound Movement’s website does not automatically gather any specific personal information from you, such as your name, telephone number or e-mail address.  Unbound Movement will only obtain this type of information if you supply it by sending us an e-mail, submitting a general inquiry form, or registering in a secure portion of this site. 

By registering and using our website, you consent to the collection and use of any personal information you disclose.  You are free to refuse our request for your personal information, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired services. Your use of our website will be regarded as accepatance of our practices around privacy and personal information. Visitors’ personal information received via email is provided only to our office personnel, who require the information to respond to inquiries.  We do not use this information for any other purpose.

If you choose to correspond with us through email, we may retain the content of your email messages together with your email address and our responses.  You should be aware of the inherent risks of interception when communicating with others online using unencrypted email.  Visit our Terms of Use for further details. 

Unbound Movement uses “cookies” to improve the quality of your website visit by providing you with personalized information and features.  Cookies are a software technology that enables our systems to recognize your computer and collect non-personal information about you.  This type of information may include type of browser used to access the internet, type of operating system, and the domain of your internet service provider.  Cookies are anonymous; Unbound Movement does not know the name, email address, telephone number, or home address of anyone who visits our site.  Unbound Movement does not sell or rent any information we gather using cookies.

Our servers automatically log information about visits to our website in the normal course of establishing and maintaining web connections.  Server logs record statistical information, such as visitors’ IP addresses, type of operating systems, time and duration of visit, web pages requested, and identify categories of visitors by items such as domains and browser types.  These statistics are reported in aggregate form and are used to improve our website and ensure it provides the optimal web experience for visitors.

We regularly review our information-handling practices to ensure we are abiding by this policy.  Questions or comments regarding this policy, or the administration of Unbound Movement’s privacy obligations may be directed to Brad Boake, by e-mail to (, by calling 289-339-1817, or writing to:

Brad Boake, MScPT, DOMP, CSCS
Unbound Movement
99 Pearl Street South
Hamilton, Ontario 




In these Terms of Use the following words shall have the following meanings:

• “Site” means this website,

• “We, Us, Our” means Unbound Movement Inc.

• “You, Your” means any person accessing this Site

References to the singular include the plural and to the masculine include the feminine and vice versa.  are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms of Use.


These Terms of Use are binding on You.  By accessing and continuing to use this Site You are deemed to accept these Terms of Use.

Legal title

Unbound Movement is an incorporated Ontario company.  The address for all correspondence relating to this Site is as set out above or alternatively please email us at


We provide the information on this Site for general guidance and for listing our services.  These terms of service relate to use in Canada and We reserve the right to restrict or prohibit access to any person not based within the jurisdiction of Canada and accept no liability if You access this Site from outside this jurisdiction.

Changes to Service

We reserve the right to improve, amend, or suspend the service provided on this Site at any time without notice to You.

Amendments to Terms of Use

We reserve the right to alter these Terms of Use at any time with immediate effect by placing the amended Terms of Use on this Site.


This Site may contain links to other websites.  We assume no responsibility for the accuracy or appropriateness of the information contained in websites independently developed by parties other than Unbound Movement, or their terms of use or privacy policies.  Any mention of another party or its products or services on this Site should not be construed as an endorsement of that party or its products or services.  If you decide to access linked third-party websites, You do so at Your own risk.

Intellectual Property

We own or license the copyright in all information and material appearing on this Site.  You may download, store, and use the material on this Site for Your own personal use and research.  You may not republish, retransmit, redistribute, or otherwise make this material available to any other party or make the same available on any website, online service, or bulletin board of Your own or of any other party or make the same available in hard copy or on any other media without Our express prior written consent.

Internet Security 

The Internet is not a secure medium and We provide no guarantees as to the reliability or security of this Site, or that it will be continuously available, error, or virus free.

If you identify any error on this Site or any material you consider to be offensive, indecent, dishonest, inaccurate, or illegal, please immediately e-mail us at  We will take such action as appropriate and within Our absolute discretion.


We comply with the Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act.

Limitation of Liability

The information contained in this Site, and the services offered on this Site, are provided “as is” without any representations, warranties, or conditions of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties, or conditions of fitness for a particular purpose or use, or non-infringement.  Further, no representations or warranties are made concerning the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of the Materials, or of any information contained in any site linked to this Site.  The information contained on this Site may be changed from time to time without notice.

Unbound Movement does not warrant or guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to this Site, to any website linked to this Site, or to the services offered by Us.

The reliability and confidentiality of unencrypted communications and transmissions through the Internet cannot be controlled or guaranteed by Unbound Movement.  Such communications are inherently insecure and can potentially be viewed by unauthorized third parties.

In no event shall Unbound Movement, its directors, employees, agents, affiliates or internet service provider(s) (collectively “its representatives”) be liable to a Site user or to a user of its services or to any third party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages whatsoever, including without limitation, lost revenue, lost or damaged data or files or other commercial or economic loss, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence) or any other theory of liability.

The foregoing exclusion of liability shall apply even if Unbound Movement or its representatives have been advised or should have known of the possibility of such damage.  This disclaimer also applies to any difficulties You or a user may experience when using Our services.  Should You decide to use our services, You do so at Your own risk.


If any provision of these Terms of Use is held by any competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these Terms of Use and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected.

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between You and Us regarding access to this Site and supersede any previous agreement or understanding and may not be varied except in writing by Us.  All other terms and conditions, express or implied by statute or otherwise, are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Laws and Regulations

Unbound Movement complies with all laws and regulations pertaining to its business and services provided.

Other Services

Our list of services is available upon request and are subject to these Terms of Use.

Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Ontario and the federal laws of Canada, to the extent applicable.  Any dispute regarding these Terms of Use or the services provided by Unbound Movement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Ontario courts.