
Enhanced Safety Protocols for COVID-19

At Unbound Movement we are committed to keeping you and our team safe. We strictly comply with all Ontario Ministry of Health and COVID-19 specific protocols including frequent sanitization of all common surfaces, frequent hand-washing and scheduled cleaning periods between patient appointments.

Heightened Screening

The Ministry of Health and College of Physiotherapists of Ontario recommend the use of symptom prior to visits. You will receive a symptom questionnaire prior to your visit.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Given that the clinic is a healthcare setting, the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario recommends that clinicians and patients continue wearing masks.

Enhanced Cleaning

We pride ourselves in our relaxed and clean clinic environment. Cleanliness and sanitation is required to keep everyone safe. The clinic is cleaned regularly, common surfaces are disinfected frequently and the treatment area is routinely cleaned between patients. Your clinician cleans their hands before and after your visit.